Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Provide for the National Defense...

If you asked many Americans the primary responsibility of the president they would leave out Commander in Chief of the US military. The executive branch is supposed to execute laws enacted by the congress. He is to represent our nation, included is the power to provide for our defense.

It seems however, our current commander in chief has abdicated his responsibility. His actions to bring avowed Islamic terrorists into our prison system and treat them as criminals shows he has no real belief in the threat posed by them. He seems to believe he can woo these violent men, women and children (yes, the enemy uses all three) by seeking to understand their plight. He is dead wrong.

Thomas Sowell wrote about the actions being taken to investigate and criminalize the actions taken by the CIA to gain information to protect my Brothers and Sistes in arms as well as my fellow citizens. The Obama administration is taking these actions while admitting that the terrorists are not protected by the Geneva Convention.

For those who are not familiar, the accomodations specified in the Geneva Convention are to protect the rights of UNIFORMED SOLDIERS in the field of combat. The intent is to recognize that war happens and one soldier killing another in combat is not a crime. Despite the horror that is war, it is supposed to be conducted with honor.

The middle eastern islamic terrorists simply are not uniformed soldiers. They hide behind women and children, they represent no government, and they are too cowardly to wear uniforms. During WWII America was infiltrated by NAZI spies. We caught these people, and their punishment was death. Throughout history a soldier that performed infiltration, espionage, assassination has been considered outside the normal realm of combat and capture meant death.

A few months ago it seemed like America had lost it's will and was going to slowly commit suicide. Recent events with Americans standing up for their rights and their country have convinced me that we still have the will. It is our government that has become too cowardly to call an Islamic Terrorist what he is... A murderer, a baby killer! If we simply made it policy to treat all un-uniformed enemies as spies, this battle would end much quicker.

BUT the damage has been done... over the next generations we will have to be prepared to fight harder, and perhaps be more brutal than our fathers. The children of the baby Boomers will have to do what our parents had no stomach for. We have so weakened the security of our country that I don't think we wil be able to prevent any more attacks. So it is time for my generation to prepare to defend our homeland should Islamic Terrorists start to poke his head around here.

So my message to un-uniformed Islamofacist, terrorist, cowards... you may think my government is too weak to take the fight to you and treat you like the dogs you are... but there are millions of us here that will not simply lay down should you try to harm our homeland again. The American people when angered are very dangerous. My grandfathers beat the NAZI's in spite of their superior technology, and the Japanese inspite of their suicidal mentality... We are more than ready to end you.