Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Civil Disobedience...

The Cry of the sixties... Heck No We Won't go!... was often accompanied by sit-ins, handcuffing to a fixed object, and making humans into roadblocks. These were all the tools of the civil rights movement, anti-war movement, and the environmental movement. The objective was always the same, create havoc and disruption. Most of the young people of the period had little to loose. Jobs were scarce and the wealth we see in most communities today wasn't even concievable.

One commonality for all the movements of the period was the protest against the american government or industry. Both were percieved as the great evils of the day. The government was killing babies overseas, oppressing people of various ethnicities and industry was polluting the environment.

I am a generation X child, and as I read through various historical acounts I am finding that many of the things protested in the 60's were distortions of reality. While some address of civil rights was needed, our Troops were not in the business of killing babies and the levels of pollution by Industry were correctable in a very short time.

So why am I spending so much time on this? Because today we are seeing civil disobedience across the country. People are making noise at Townhalls, Tea Parties are becoming a common occurrence and the elected leaders of our nation are recieving letters and phone calls in numbers not seen previously.

These things are great for the national debate, and our citizens are becoming reeducated on the nature of our fragile republic and what it means to defend liberty. However, I don't think that civil disobedience of this type will be suffice. Chanting and Holding signs, protesting in the streets will do little if the Democrats in Washington choose to endrun the house rules to pass legislation. Right now they are planning to ram the Socialized Health Bill (HR3200) through in the reconciliation committee. We will likely see this bill passed before the end of the year.

The good news is that this manuver will destroy the power monopoly held by the democrats in 2010, of this I am certain. But, the damage will have been done. So what does this have to do with civil disobedience you might ask. Well, it might be time to try something closer to what the founding fathers did. Maybe we really do need to pour tea into the sea.

We need to decide what are our most important issues are. We need to define how the laws being pumped out of the federal government undermine our Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Once we can clearly communicate this we need to be prepared to fight against the law through civil disobedience.

As an example,

- National Health Insurance Act (HR3200) has provisions for Taxation through the IRS and a mandate to carry health insurance. We must be prepared to reject health insurance and refuse to pay any IRS taxation or Penalties in connection to this bill. This Bill is unconstitutional as it Impinges upon everybodies Life, and Liberty.

- Blair Holt Firearm Act (HR45) has requirements for law abiding citizens to register their weapons with the state and federal attorney generals. Prohibits any youth from coming into contact with a firearm before 18 and imposes prison terms on citizens failing to comply. This bill infringes upon Life and Liberty. It is also countrary to the 2nd amendment.

We are law abiding citizens of the United States of America. We must not pay for insurance penalties or pay taxes to give others insurance. We must not register our firearms except as required by our state regardless the consequences. We must force the Federal Supreme court to decide that our liberties are being taken.

This all changes if the Democrats should ever get to change the court from where it is now to a fully activist court. In that case God Help us all and God Help America, that is the day we declare the Rule of Law Dead.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I begin to join the fight...

I have been silently watching events in this country since my political awakening in 2000. Many people believe we are losing the battle. Many have given up, and even more simply don't care. I join this war of the words today because I believe that we are on the edge of regaining more of the liberty we had when this country was new. The American People have more resources than ever before to gain access to information and understanding. As the internet grows and more Americans gain access to that huge store of knowledge we also gain more control of our lives.

Many will say I am hopelessly optimistic. I will tell you that the Socialists, Liberals, and Progressives are more shrill than ever. This gives me the optimism I am expressing. These people have discredited ideas, and emotional/narcissistic motivations. Information and facts are to them what garlic and holy water are to Vampires. The availability of information today is accelerating the effects of their policies. We are seeing a repeat of the policies of FDR at 4X speed.

We the American People must continue to press our elected officials. Make them realize that they serve us, not the other way around. We must seek knowledge in order to keep our Republic. We must not sacrifice our liberties for security and give our congress an opportunity to repeat the fall of Rome.